ScanPol and MSIP polarimeters as single unit of Aerosol-UA: adaptation to YuzhSat platform
Overall optical layout ScanPol and MSIP polarimeters
Assembling of ScanPol and MSIP
Assembling of ScanPol and MSIP
ScanPol polarimeter laboratory test
 Equivalent polarization scheme of the ScanPol polarimeter. |
ScanPol standard error is 0.0008, correspondent to relative error 0.08%
ScanPol polarimeter calibration model, 2018
The scan mirrors and calibration units layout of the ScanPol instrument: red segment - scan mirrors; blue element - quarts wedges of the depolarization unit; green element - the Glan prism polarizer unit, black element is the dark unit; solar calibration unit seen at βs angle. Scanning directions along-track between scan angle βm1 = +50° and βm2 = –60° from nadir (βnadir).